New Products to Introduce in our Meat Department
We are happy to be able to introduce to you three delicious local Vermont brands in our Meat Department!
First up, Vermont Salumi, located in the freezer and in four flavors: Great Expectations, Daily Grind, Benito and Roma. Vermont Salumi is located in the fertile farmland of Central Vermont. They call upon centuries of Italian tradition and methodology to unite meat, salt, and spices into something that is more than the sum of its parts. Peter Roscini Colman is the founder of Vermont Salumi and has a strong passion for both the environment and food that plays out nicely in the finest fresh sausage and dry cured meats available.
Secondly, Guild Fine Meats where Master Butchers Frank Pace and Chef Tom Deckman source directly from Vermont Farms. We now carry their premium deli meats, fresh sausages and specialty items in our Meat Department. The animals are broken down whole animal style at their state-of-the art, Vermont inspected meat processing facility in Winooski, VT. The team uses time honored techniques of meat preservation and butchery to ensure consistency and quality so that they can present the farmers’ products in the best possible light.
Thirdly, introducing Maple Wind Farm poultry. Maple Wind Farm specializes in producing delicious pasture-raised chickens and turkeys and thanks to their new poultry processing facility, they are able to deliver us the freshest birds. Maple Wind Farm has been in production since 1999 and is located in Huntington and Richmond, Vermont.
Be sure to check out these fabulous new brands next time you’re in the store. Don’t forget that our knowledgeable Meat Department Staff are always available to answer your questions or help you plan your next meal as well!