Healthy Living and Cafe, located in South Burlington, has been named as a Northeast Sustainable Grocery Environmental Leader by the state of Vermont for their environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts. The standards to meet this designation were developed by state environmental agency workgroup members of NEWMOA (Northeast Waste Management Officials Organization). The State of Vermont’s Green Business Program provides assistance to businesses desiring to “green up” their operations and recognizes businesses of all sizes for meeting a set of environmental standards. For more information on these standards, check out the official organization’s site at







Healthy Living was recognized as an environmental leader by the state of Vermont for offering a number of sustainable and community focused programs including:

  • The development of a store compost and recycling project with Casella Waste Systems
  • The sponsorship of Vermont Green Up Day
  • The sponsorship of the Intervale Conservation Nursery Project
  • An active community outreach program that is involved in many environmental projects and donates to hundreds of non-profits every year
  • An abundantly stocked bulk department that reduces all packaging by offering over 100 self-serve products
  • Over 30 years of work with local farms, farmers and producers to bring products to market
  • Last year developed the Bread and Butter Farm project that involved a loan for a new hoop house
  • Loan programs are now underway and available to other farms including a current project with Vermont Edible Landscaping
  • Organically grown edible landscaping and gardens at their Vermont and New York stores
  • A bicycle benefits program for staff and guests
  • A solar powered no-charge electric car charging station which is currently being upgraded to serve more cars
  • Energy efficient LED lighting systems throughout both stores
  • Carpooling, bicycling and walking to work incentives for staff
  • A zero waste butchery in both stores; using local whole animals
  • Uses Glycol (as opposed to Freon) refrigeration systems in both stores


The Vermont Green Business Program is a joint effort between the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Vermont Small Business Development Center and is voluntary and free of cost to participating businesses. Vermont businesses designated as Green Businesses are recognized for going beyond compliance with existing environmental regulations, using resource conservation strategies and implementation of environmental best management practices.