Gin of the Week- Monkey 47
We have a new Gin here at Divine Wines and we’re excited to share with you the story behind this delicious new Spirit! In 1951, a British man named Montgomery Collins moved to Germany’s Black Forest and opened a guest house named “Zum wilden Affen”, meaning The Wild Monkey. In this guesthouse, Collins becomes acquainted with the Black Forest tradition of distilling fruit and slowly started developing a passion for Gin, which in turn became a trademark of the “Wild Monkey” right through the 1970’s.
With the discovery of quinine as a form of malaria prevention for the British colonial armies and the introduction of “tonic water”, gin acquired its key significance as an important basis for a variety of cocktails and long drinks. Today, at the start of the 21st century, gin is on everyone’s drink menu all over the world – as the pinnacle of the art of distillation and a secret passion of bartenders. Following centuries of changing tastes and dynamic transformation, the history of gin has now taken on a whole new dimension.
This Gin contains exactly 47 ingredients, one being cranberries. (did I say cranberries? Yes I sure did!) The use of cranberries adds a distinct fruity note to the incredibly floral and complex whirlwind of flavors. As Robert Parker says, “the greatest gin I have ever tasted.” This Gin is bottled at 47% alcohol by volume and is packed with charisma and complexity. With 47 handpicked botanical’s prepared with extremely soft spring water, this Gin is quite unforgettable. In 2011, this Gin won the World Spirits Award Gold in the Gin catefory and Gold for best in class for Gin Worldwide at the International Wine and Spirits Competition in London, not too shabby! At a price of $42.99 for 375ml, this Gin certainly doesn’t come cheap, however it is worth checking out!