A Deeper Look into O Bread Bakery
We thought we’d take a little time to highlight one of the amazing local bakeries we’re fortunate enough to work with at Healthy Living, and it’s our pleasure indeed to sell the lovely breads and cookies made by O Bread Bakery in Shelburne, VT.
Located in the Farm Barn within Shelburne Farms, Chuck & Carla Conway’s O Bread Bakery has been turning out artisanal European-style breads since 1973. Their commitment to their products, their community, and the environment are part of why we love them so much, and they’ve held these commitments since the very beginning; they’ve been “making organic bread before organic certification existed” and when it just isn’t possible to get high-quality organic ingredients, they do their best to get the absolute next-best thing.
O Bread Bakery’s small team of friendly bakers use traditional methods of long, slow fermentation and hand craftsmanship to create complex and tasty breads, including such savory options as ciabattas (plain- chewy and airy, just the way it should be; olive- packed not with one or two but SIX different kinds of olives; chili cheese- which melts in your mouth while burning it just a little), baguettes (both a classic plain as well as a seeded variety), rye breads, spelt breads (which are great options for those who are sensitive to gluten), and that’s just the beginning!
Things get even sweeter when you discover that the bakery also produces a delicious cinnamon raisin swirl bread, the ever-so-slightly-sweet challah, and an assortment of two-pack cookies that are just the right size for sharing! (We highly recommend the ginger molasses.)
And just when you think O Bread Bakery’s got all the bases covered, they come out with some really special items during the holidays that you don’t even realize you need until you see them, like a brioche and a fig anise loaf. But, in particular, we LOVE the chocolate cherry loaf, loaded with Michigan cherries, dark Belgian chocolate, additional cocoa (why not?), and just a little Kirsch to make it complete. Marvelous!
We get deliveries from O Bread Bakery every day but not all varieties are available every day, so please feel free to call ahead and find out what’s coming to our store that day. No matter what you end up taking home, though, you can be assured each loaf was made by hand using the best ingredients, baked in a hearth oven mere miles away, and delivered to us fresh!