Adams Turkey Farm and Healthy Living: A 30 Year Tradition

Thirty-plus years ago, when one October day I said to myself, “Hmmmm….maybe we should try selling local turkeys…” I found myself in Westford, Vermont at the Adams Turkey Farm. Since that day, Judy and Dave Adams have been some of my favorite people, and their products – both turkey and chicken – have become local legends!
To get to the farm, you travel down a dirt road until red barns and a brick house come into view. And then, there they are! Dave and Judy, hard at work, raising impeccable birds in the cleanest barns I’ve ever seen. There’s even music playing for the happy flocks! Judy runs the barns with some sort of artistic flair and Dave’s processing plant seems to sparkle. Their dedication, hard work, and love of the land are evident everywhere at the farm. Over the years they’ve taught me over and over, the joy that comes from great hospitality, service, and doing something you really love!
The result? Great, clean, juicy, flavorful turkeys for your holiday table. In addition, a thriving Vermont farm that keeps things green and healthy. And a family that has kept a tradition alive.