Demo: Spicy Stir-Fried Corn and Peppers
Local corn is at its peak and it just couldn’t be more inviting with fresh green husks ready to be peeled back to expose the shiny golden kernels. This simple side dish is a great way to make use of a bumper crop from your own garden or maybe a bit more than is realistic to eat as corn on the cob from your CSA box. We also have plenty of beautiful local corn here in our produce department. Corn heaven.
For this dish I used local corn from Riverberry Farm in Fairfax. Six good-sized ears along with the rest of the ingredients listed makes a nice amount as a side dish for 6-8 people who really like corn. First the corn is cooked- I use the “Wolfgang Puck method” which is to boil a large pot of salted water, immerse corn, put on lid, return to boil, turn off heat and let sit for 5 minutes. Drain. Simple, with perfect corn every time. When the corn is cool enough to handle remove kernels from cobs. I use a nifty tool called a corn zipper. Just rake the tool down the cob letting the kernels drop into a bowl. Another method is to use a large sharp knife, lay the corn horizontally on a cutting board and carefully cut down the side of the cob, rotating the cob and cutting off kernels until done. Dice the red pepper, mild or hot chile pepper (a jalapeno would be nice and spicy or a 1/2-1 teaspoon of red chile flakes for a spicier dish), scallions and garlic. In the same pot used for cooking the corn or in a large skillet, heat the peanut oil and saute all the diced vegetables except the corn. Cook until softened, season with salt and black pepper, add the corn and cook for an additional 5 minutes or so until corn is heated through. Stir in the tamari, taste for salt and pepper adding more as needed or more tamari. Finish with chopped fresh cilantro or basil or mint. For today’s demo I used cilantro but I think next time basil will be my choice. Serve hot as a side dish; this would go well with any late summer garden dinner. Enjoy!
Many Vermont farmers suffered a loss, some a devastating loss, from Hurricane Irene. It is important to continue to support our local farmers by buying what produce they are able to sell and to keep in mind all the work that they do and the personal and financial risks that they face providing the amazing bounty of food to us year in and year out.
Happy Cooking! Gerda, Demo Coordinator