Discovering Your Inner Stability: Core Stability and Strengthening with Robert Rex
“Core” is the buzz word amongst yogis, physical therapists, and personal trainers. What is your “core?” Where is your “core?” Why is it important to have a strong “core?” Using techniques from Kundalini Yoga, Tai Chi, Rolfing® Movement Integration, and Rolfing® Structural Integration, Certified Rolfer® Robert Rex will guide you through an exploration designed to help you find, strengthen, and utilize your core space. These dynamic exercises will stabilize your spine, strengthen core muscles, maintain flexibility and improve posture. You’ll also discover newfound energy. Robert will provide individual attention to assist you in adapting these exercises and explorations to your unique structure and lifestyle.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing in which you can stretch, and please bring your yoga mat if you have one (there are a limited number available). Class is about one hour, with a second hour available to sample Rolfing treatments, or to ask questions.
This class is FREE and is fully interactive. To reserve your place in the class, please register below or call us at Healthy Living (802-863-2569, ext 1).
Drop-ins are also welcome.