February Community Partner – Sustainable Saratoga
This month in at our registers, we are raising funds for Sustainable Saratoga.
Sustainable Saratoga is a not-for-profit organization that promotes sustainable practices and the protection of natural resources, through education, advocacy and action, for the benefit of current and future generations in the Saratoga Springs area.
Sustainable Saratoga encourages all our staff and guests to learn about our initiatives and get involved as volunteers. For more information, visit their website atwww.sustainablesaratoga.org, or “like” the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/SustainableSaratoga. In 2013, highlights of their work included:
- The efforts of Sustainable Saratoga’s
Urban Forestry Project (UFP)
- resulted in the City’s first-ever Urban Forest Master Plan, including the appointment of a city arborist. UFP has recently drafted the City’s application for a $25,000 state grant for tree planting and has been leading the charge to ban invasive landscaping plants.
- Sustainable Saratoga’s
Bring Your Own Bag (BYOBag)
- campaign has raised awareness about the environmental impacts of single-use plastic bags in our community.
The Housing & Urban Planning (HUP) Committee organized well-attended public forums to solicit ideas for the City’s Comprehensive Plan, and published a position paper containing sustainable ideas for a newly revised Plan.
We developed candidate questionnaires about sustainability and published the results on our website to help inform voters in the November election.
We were instrumental in the City’s adoption of a proposal for a solar array to be built on the City landfill on Weibel Avenue, pending outside funding.
We are studying the feasibility of a car-sharing service in the City.
Sam from Sustainable Saratoga said, “together, we can reduce our collective environmental impact and encourage responsible development in our community. ” We believe it too, and want to help do our part.
Donations can be made at our registers throughout the month of February in any amount that feels good to you.
Thanks for your support!