Half Pint is the Original

Half Pint Farm was growing microgreens before they were cool. The love they put into their mix and is totally unmatched, and their status as a confirmed herald of spring round these parts is unchallenged.
Though, as I write this, it may be snowing outside…never mind that! As is often said up here in the North Country, if you don’t like the weather, wait three minutes.
“This year our microgreens are made up of 19 different varieties of greens from the spicy mustard family, and are chosen for their color, texture and heartiness. Our micros are triple washed, spun dry and delivered with love twice a week starting now through November – 2016 just got awesome!”
Spicy mustard greens are starting to receive their due as superfoods, they’re in the same top tier as watercress, and I can’t help but share this link again from the CDC, the information on nutrient density in different foods is just invaluable.
Mara Welton is our main contact at Half Pint Farm for these twelve years, her partner Spencer is out there, somewhere, doing farmer things (though we don’t talk as much, we love him too). This is their 14th year farming at the Intervale in Burlington.
The pair are true connoisseurs of seeds, heirlooms, and rare gourmet veggies. They’re trendsetters, perfectionists, chefs, and spectacular conversationalists. They’re chic, I’m smitten with them, and their fan base is (I’m assuming) chic and smitten, too. Follow them on Instagram for year round inspiration – farmers are often less into online marketing than most business owners, but the Half Pint Farmers never disappoint.
Up next in their lineup is something I have a feeling will blow us all away.
“Pulses” are ancient sources of fiber, iron, and protein, can take up some of the space of meat in your diet (or all of it), and are firmly rooted in culinary tradition worldwide. It’s a term for beans that grow in a pod that you would dry, like any beans (except green & Romano beans), peas, lentils, and chickpeas.
Starting very soon, the Half Pint Farmers will be bringing sprouted pulses to us to sell in convenient 1/2 pint packages (cute).
Mara says, “we are excited about the UN General Assembly declaring 2016 the International Year of Pulses, and are happy to help celebrate the oft-looked over humble bean. Don’t underestimate these powerhouses; they pack a nutritional punch, crunch, and are a gorgeous topping to any dish.”
Check out this website to learn more about the nutrition of pulses!
Stay tuned for the arrival of the next trend in nutrient dense, interesting vegetables. Eat them and love them to spice up your life and balance your diet!