Healthy Living Loves Local: Lightheart Flower Essences
For more than 20 years, Maureen Short has been making and selling Flower Essences at her home in New Haven, Vermont.
Flower Essences are a natural therapy. The purest aspect of a flower’s healing quality is captured and preserved in water. Containing the healing forces of Nature, these Essences are created with love and gratitude. Their intention is to bring transformation–gently and gracefully.
She has over 55 flowers in her repertoire, many sold here at Healthy Living. The flowers, all of them organic and most of them wild, are gathered in a sacred manner of love, gratitude and blessing. Lightheart Flower Essences are preserved with vegetable glycerin and grain alcohol. Ideally the Essences are taken 4 drops, 4 times per day, under the tongue or in a small glass of water. An affirmation of a positive statement is included with each Flower. This affirmation, spoken aloud or silently throughout the day, enhances the healing abilities of the Flower Essence.
The one ounce bottles of Lightheart Flower Essences are packaged with beautiful 5×7 note cards that have photographs of the Flowers on the front of the card. In addition, each note card also contains an explanation of what Flower Essence Therapy is, your Flower’s healing gift and an affirmation.
Flower Essences may be safely used in combination with any type of medical treatment, either allopathic or homeopathic. Frequently the re-balancing created by the use of the Flower Essence Therapy brings relief and transformation; however, they are not a substitute for medical or other forms of health care.
Maureen describes the healing properties of Flower Essences as being similar to, “warm sunlight after weeks of rain,” and believes that the properties of flower essences can, “gracefully & lovingly bring a natural flow of balance, alignment, health & happiness.”
Visit Maureen’s website to learn more about her Flower Essences!