Healthy Living Loves Local: Murray Hollow Breads

From Shushan, NY, close to the Vermont border, comes Murray Hollow Breads.
After years of working as a professional chef, Doug Rountree became interested in baking and decided to transition into the roll of a pastry chef. This experience included positions at The Equinox and for a time at the original Rock Hill Bake House in Greenwich where he developed a love for the oven and the long fermentation process of naturally leavened breads. Using only an organic starter culture and no commercial yeast the process can take up to 18 hours for the dough to be ready to enter the oven.
Since 2005 Doug has baked his organic, hearth baked Batard and Boule in the wood fired brick oven he built himself.
Doug bakes his breads at night and Nancy, Doug’s wife, handles the business end of things and delivers the freshly baked bread in the morning.
Be sure and try the Polenta bread with its outer crust coated with cracked organic corn.