Healthy Living Loves Local: Sweet Spring Farm

Sunlight breaking through the birch, locust and maple trees dapples the dirt lane as you approach Sweet Spring Farm until the lane opens to reveal the lush grass pastures of the farm with its herd of Cossayuna Nubians there to greet you.

Jeffrey Bowers may be better known in some circles as an accomplished breeder of goats than as a cheesemaker, but his fresh chèvre is very special and we love that Sweet SpringFarm in nearby Argyle is a neighbor to our Saratoga Springs store. Jeffrey along with Milton Ilario manage the farm and lovingly care for their goats.
All of the dairy herd and bucks are named and the care given them results in some very fine milk that produces wonderfully creamy cheese. Nubians produce less milk than other breeds but their milk has a higher fat content. Be sure to try some of this small batch, local and seasonally available chèvre from SweetSpring Farm when you visit our Cheese Department.