Healthy Living Loves Local: The Flour Girl Bakeshop

At the Saratoga Springs Healthy Living and Cafe, our Breads Department is very pleased to have Sarah Porter, The Flour Girl, from The Flour Girl Bakeshop in nearby West Rupert, making her wonderful and wholesome sweets for you to enjoy and share with your loved ones.

Sarah has graciously shared her story with us to share with all of you. We give you, in her own words, Sarah Porter, The Flour Girl:
“I was a ‘foodie’ long before the term ever existed. Growing up in rural Vermont, I was lucky enough to live near my grandparents (in fact their house is the house I live in today) ,and some of my earliest memories are getting up at the crack of dawn on Saturday mornings to help my grandmother make doughnuts. As a five year-old I helped scoop flour, sugar as well as roll and cut the dough. I was fascinated by how the ingredients came together, and we were able to create something so perfect and delicious. Seeing the doughnut go into the deep-fryer, flat and pale and emerge puffed and golden was magic to me. I think making doughnuts was what first taught me to love the process, as much as the product.

When I was 8, my Mom gave me the Better Homes and Gardens Junior Cookbook for Christmas that simple gift was probably what sealed my fate in the culinary field. I wanted to make every recipe in the book, and I think I pretty much did. I loved, combing through cookbooks finding new recipes to try- I could spend hours going through these books-they were fascinating to me. Once I had a recipe, I could not wait to try it out, for better or worse. Cooking is a learning process, especially when you are 8. As a parent now myself, I appreciate this on a whole new level. No matter how much of a mess I made, or how disastrous the recipe, my Mom always encouraged me to keep trying. I know these endeavors created more work for her, since my cleaning skills needed as much work as my cooking ones. Thankfully, as my skills improved it paid off for both of us. By the time I was in high school, my parents and brother were asking me what was for dinner.

In 1993 I went to the New England Culinary institute where I discovered the true loves of my life baking and my husband; Chris. After spending the past 20 years in this business working for other people, a year ago I decided to start my own business The Flour Girl Bakeshop, named in honor of my own “flour girls” Grace, Julianna and Emily. I am so proud to have been in this business for the past twenty years. It is not for the faint of heart, you have to truly love it, lucky for me I do. I love that I get to go to work every day and create things that make people happy. I want the food that I make to be a part of their favorite memories. I make baked goods that I genuinely love; I think that is what sets my products apart. When I make a birthday cake or a pie, or a batch of cupcakes I still feel amazed that out of such simple, basic ingredients comes something truly special. It never gets old to make a perfect batch of doughnuts.
The items on my menu reflect my style of classic American desserts. My baked goods are made with real, natural ingredients, nothing artificial, no preservatives; I try to use local and organic as much as possible.
I am so excited to be making pies for the Healthy Living. These pies are made with all-butter, King Arthur flour, and fresh berries. No cornstarch, no corn syrup, no shortening. I want customer’s to know how much I appreciate that they are choosing my business, and that I will go above and beyond to ensure they have the best products possible.
This past year, has been very exciting I have seen my business grow and change, it has exceeded my expectations. I hope that in my own small way, I am setting a good example for my daughters. I want them to take chances and follow their passions. I feel so fortunate to be able to make a living doing what I love. Hopefully, someday The Flour Girl Bakeshop cookbook will be what inspires another 8 year old chef.”