It Takes A Village
Starting the journey of raising a child is one of the most awesome adventures you can have as a human being. After 9 long months you’ve been waiting and wondering, preparing yourself with birthing classes, buying the diapers, the onesies, the burp cloths, putting everything in order until finally, baby arrives. But nothing can prepare you for how a sweet little bundle, weighing but a few pounds, will powerfully shift your reality. Life changes, for good. You change. You become a parent.
In the coming weeks and months there will be feelings of joy and love. There may also be challenges, plenty of sleepless nights, perhaps some feeling blue. There will be hours spent nursing, burping, diaper changing. There will be infant cries, all-over-the-place hormones, exhaustion … it’s not all rainbows and roses. You might have doubts, you might feel guilty, and you might get lonely. And while this may not sound like the joyride you were expecting, all of it is normal. Becoming a parent can be an overwhelming time— with incredible ups and downs.
While as a new parent, it can feel like you’re on an island, it’s important to remember that you do have a community of people, and families who understand what you are going through, who are here to help.
We want you to know that Healthy Living is part of that community. Our family-centered business puts the utmost importance on the health and well being of families. From our beautiful food to our extensive line of wellness and all-natural baby products, and a breast-feeding friendly environment, Healthy Living is a welcoming place for new parents and babies, alike. Our helpful staff is here to help you find whatever you may need to support you and your child.
Remember, just as it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes time to adjust to becoming a parent. See it all as one big adventure and try to enjoy it.
On behalf of all of us at Healthy Living, congratulations. We hope to see you soon!