It’s Juice & Smoothie Season at Healthy Living!
Spring is officially here, and summer is right around the corner—it’s time to pack away the sweaters, gloves, and parkas and get yourself in the warm-weather mindset! Nothing gets you there like a smoothie from the Healthy Living Café. Our array of delicious recipes includes vegan and gluten-free options to suit anyone’s tastes. Grab one for the road, as a quick meal, or just as a treat for a job well-done! Customize your smoothie with extras like whey protein, spirulina, flax seed, spinach, and kale to pack some serious nutrition into one tasty, sippable package! For a truly transformative experience, try one of our fresh, organic juices. Order one of our own special blends of delicious and nutritious fruits and veggies, or create your own from our available ingredients! Additionally, we offer juices and smoothies made with Aqua Vitea kombucha for a healthful, fizzy, probiotic experience. Do your mind and body a favor and swing by our café for the best smoothie around—they’re good, and good for you too!