Local Green Garlic, Ramps and Tomatoes!
Fresh Green Garlic and Ramps! The Green Garlic comes from our friends at Jericho Settler’s Farm while Mr. Patrick Tinkel provides us with the wildly harvested Ramps from Huntington, Vermont. If you’re not already familiar with these local and seasonal additions, you should definitely give them a shot. The immature Green Garlic is just one part of the many stages that the garlic plant provides us with while Ramps (also known as Wild Leek or Ramson) are a member of the onion/lilly family. Both plants provide a mild but distinct flavor with sweetness and bite.
On another note, we’ve received the first of locally grown Vermont tomatoes. First on the scene was the Long Wind Farm Organic Tomato, grown in Thetford Vermont. They’re just the right fix to get us by until we’re in full on Summer delight. Below we’ve included an amazing snack idea that combines these three early comers to the local food scene.
Quick and Easy Local Organic Tomato Salad with Green Garlic and Ramps:
Sliced Long Wind Farm Organic Tomatoes
Diced Green Garlic and Ramps
Salt and Pepper to taste
It’s just that simple.. enjoy!