Local Produce in Full Swing

Local produce is in full swing, as we shift into high gear this summer. We got our first decent sized garlic bulbs from Half Pint Farm and we still have some garlic scapes from Last Resort Farm. More of our local farmers are supplying us with hothouse tomatoes, M.R. Harvest brought in his first Heirloom tomatoes on Tuesday and they are selling fast. In addition we are seeing more varieties of Basil – Opal which is dark red and Thai, which is essential for certain Thai dishes. We have beautiful new potatoes, red, white and blue.

What’s more is that there is some really delicious fruits about to break on the scene. Adam’s Berries Strawberries are still here and some Blueberries have just arrived, these sweet and wonderful berries don’t last long so come in and grab some today! Mulberries and Raspberries have also arrived from Last Resort, along with gooseberries and currents. Organic cantaloupe from Andy Farmer is soon to arrive, along with some Watermelon.

As for far away fruit goes, we have Mellow Yellow pluots, which are a hybrid between plums and apricots and are super fresh and delicious. Our Watermelon is at it’s peak in flavor, freshness and price. We have taken a break from California broccoli with the addition of Full Moon Farm’s summer broccoli. These crowns are so heady they have a bit of a bite to them, when sampled hours after their harvest. This weekend we will continue with our massive sales on Taste of the North hydroponic tomatoes, organic stone fruit, grapes and berries of every variety. When in season, the price comes down and opens us up to share in the abundance.