New Chapter Perfect Prenatal – Review by Rachel Stanton


When I was pregnant with my first child in 2005, at 24 years old, I was a recent college graduate, with a husband who had just started law school. Needless to say, money was tight and I had to be realistic about needs versus wants when it came to baby related purchases. I had never taken a multivitamin before because I was young and healthy, ate a mostly vegetarian and organic diet and simply didn’t feel that it was necessary. However, I quickly learned that prenatal vitamin supplements were a necessity now that I was growing another human being! At the time, I was unaware of the important role that folic acid plays in the earliest stages of a baby’s development and that women should be taking it before they conceive, but I knew it was important that I take a vitamin to bridge any gaps in my nutritional health and to help insure that I was providing enough nutrients for two! I started with a good quality vitamin, but it made me feel so sick to my (already constantly nauseated) stomach and I had to stop taking it.


Enter New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Vitamin, a probiotic whole food based vitamin that is easily absorbed and digested. It was life saver! Because it is derived from food and plant based sources I was able to take it without feeling sick, even on an empty stomach. I learned that whole foods vitamins contain the most complete sources of nutrients that your body easily recognizes and digests because they are food and your body knows just what to do with food. When taking more conventional vitamins the body has a difficult time absorbing and digesting them because they are synthetically derived chemical isolates that our bodies are not designed to process. With New Chapter I felt confident that I was optimizing my nutritional health and supporting my baby’s development in a way that felt natural and safe. While New Chapter Perfect Prenatal contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, etc., that all vitamins claim, it also contains micronutrients, known as confactors, that provide additional nutritional support and are not found in synthetic chemical isolate forms of supplementation. This can only be accomplished through taking a whole food supplement.

In addition to the nutritional benefits and high quality organic ingredients, I enjoy taking New Chapter vitamins because it allows me to support a local company (they are based out of Brattleboro, Vermont!) with a commitment to being socially responsible through their efforts to support sustainable agriculture, have a low carbon footprint, and their commitment to donating vitamins to those that are less fortunate. To me, it’s a win-win!


Because these vitamins are chock full of nutrients, I continued to take them after the birth of my daughter, throughout the 2.5 years that she breastfed, for the year prior to conceiving my son, during my pregnancy with him and for the two years that he breastfed! I was grateful for the additional nutritional support they provided and appreciative that Healthy Living offers 20% off of supplements on Thursdays, which allowed me to sustain over 7 years of taking a high quality supplement. They are still my go to brand for multivitamins and other supplements as needed.

In good health!



Review written by Taste Maker, Rachel Stanton

 Rachel holds a BA in Human Services and Psychology, is a certified doula, certified in MotherMassage ®, and is a trained lactation educator.  As a labor and postpartum doula at Birth Journeys, she offers compassionate, intuitive, and evidence-based support that is tailored to each family’s needs.  She also works for the Vermont Department of Health’s WIC program as a peer breastfeeding counselor and is currently working on her 200-hour yoga teacher certification through Yoga Vermont.  When Rachel is not supporting new families, you can find her having outdoor adventures with her husband and two children, enjoying a regular yoga practice, or baking.