New Products: Healthy Living Saratoga – 6/1/16
Organic Red & Green Boston Lettuce: Slack Hollow Farm
Organic Romaine Lettuce: Slack Hollow Farm
Organic Green Kale: Slack Hollow Farm
Organic Dill and Chive Bunches: Slack Hollow Farm
Eco-Grown Baby Broccoli: Tangleroot Farm
Organic Cotton Candy Grapes: Limited time only!!!
Organic Red Plums
NY Local Plants and Flowers:
Many varieties of organic plant starts, herbs, and especially herbs from The Farm at Miller’s Crossing. New varieties every week!
Grocery & Refrigerated:
Free 2 B: Allergen free chocolate bars
Purely Elizabeth: Made-Without-Gluten Cereals
Alter Eco: Rainbow quinoa blend
Gimme Coffee Co: 4 new options for our shelves
Absolutely Gluten Free crackers: 3 new flavors
* NEW BBQ Sauces: Woodstock, Red Duck, and The BBQ Shed
Lundberg: The first ever retail ready quinoa that is grown in the USAorder.
Back to Nature: Tropical punch fruit juice pouches
Bare Fruit: Banana chips
Woodstock: Organic kosher dill spears
Nubian Heritage: Fragrance-free body wash & lotion
Amoona Botanicals: New locally harvested sage bundles & incense by a former HL employee