New Years Resolutions
Happy, happy New Year! With the New Year, of course come new resolutions. Can you name one year where you kept your resolution all the way up to December 31st? No? Well don’t feel too bad, because neither can I! This year, I’m going to look at structuring my resolutions a little differently in attempts to make them more of a reality. First and foremost, I’m throwing out the idea of having one resolution for the whole year. It just hasn’t worked in the past, most likely because I get bored wayyy to easily and I usually set lofty and unrealistic goals out of excitement. Instead, I have decided on setting simpler, monthly goals.
I’ve also decided to take a more organized approach to creating each of my goals by using the ‘SMART’ goal setting model. SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. This model is used in a number of settings and has been shown to be effective in helping individuals and organizations reach their goals. Lets go a little deeper and figure out exactly what this all means.
- Specific: your goal should be clearly defined and as specific as possible
– Poor example: I will go to the gym this month
– Good example: I will go the gym 2 times each week to help prevent weight gain this month - Measurable: by making the goal something you can actually measure, you will be better able to evaluate whether or not you met that goal. For instance, if you make it to the gym twice each week you have achieved your goal, if you don’t make it twice then you did not achieve your goal.Preventing weight gain is also something that can easily be measured.
- Achievable: make sure your goal is something realistic that you will be able to achieve. While you would like to go to the gym 6 days per week and lose 20 pounds by February 1st, the reality of reaching such a lofty goal may not be likely. Setting realistic goals increases the likeliness that you will meet the goal and the more goals you reach, the more confidence and motivation you will have.
- Relevant: make sure the goal really matters to you. If it doesn’t matter, what motivation will you have to achieve it?
- Timely: by including a time frame in your goal, it gives you a set point in time to work towards. If you know you have to accomplish something by a certain date (i.e. gym twice per week), you may be less likely to put it off.
Setting simple, monthly SMART goals can help you achieve your health goals long beyond the month of January!
Have you already set some goals surrounding exercise for this year? Consider joining me for a FREE learn by tasting store tour focused on winter running and injury prevention, Wednesday 1/14, from 5:00 – 6:30 PM.