New Zealand Grass-Fed Angus Beef is Here!


New Zealand almost seems like it was made for raising beef cattle. Its location and climate produce absolutely pristine conditions for cattle and its farmers have uncanny expertise handed down generation after generation, so you couldn’t ask for a more promising beginning. And it only gets better from there!

Silver Fern Farms has made a name for itself within the meat industry and is known the world over for producing the finest meats from this finest of meat-producing areas. It’s a co-op of thousands of farmers, all committed to using their extensive knowledge to raise the best-tasting, highest-quality, most ethical and sustainable beef in the world. And boy do they succeed!

When picking apart what makes Silver Fern Farms grass-fed beef so incredible, it helps to look at some distinct- though interrelated- aspects of its production: the pastures, the cows and their meat, and the larger benefits.

New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate, and consistently moderate at that! The grass in the pastures grows fresh and green year-round which means the animals can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year. (That might be a little difficult for you to imagine with our harsh northern winters, but just take a second and think about it: mild, gorgeous weather. Every day. Ahhhhh.) These vast pastures of fresh grass just ripe for the grazing don’t require additional fertilizer beyond the manure left by the cows as they rotationally-graze. Their droppings leave the fields pure and nourished so their fresh and full again by the time the cows make it back around. Plus, with New Zealand’s incredible climate, the land doesn’t require irrigation! It’s kept watered and productive naturally through the work of Mother Nature herself.

These cattle are 100% grass-fed and truly free-range: they wander and graze freely on broad acreages and are never put into feedlots or housed for any significant period of time. It’s free-range living the way it was meant to be. This kind of system promotes healthy animals and New Zealand grass-fed beef is completely free of antibiotics, hormones, and GMOs. Free-range living essentially removes the need for antibiotics so they’re virtually never used. (Though, of course, if a cow happens to get sick, they will be treated with antibiotics. It’s the compassionate thing to do. However, there are strict guidelines in place determining when and where that animal can be slaughtered.) The farmers pledge to not use growth hormones and GMOs are illegal in New Zealand, so you can feel confident they won’t show up in the meat.

Speaking of meat, let’s talk about marbling for a second. Angus beef, native to Scotland, is famous for it and this grass-fed New Zealand beef has the best marbling of anything ever. Not only are the farmers working with a breed known for it (the New Zealand variety is larger and taller than their Scottish ancestors), they’re also incredibly picky about the genetics of their animals; they select from only the highest quality genetic stock to ensure the best of the best.

Grass-fed beef connoisseurs might be thinking, “Okay, but what about the consistency of the quality?” since grass-fed beef is notoriously inconsistent. Silver Fern Farms grass-fed beef, however, has consistently impeccable quality. All of the animals are raised by Silver Fern Farms co-op farmers and slaughtered and processed by Silver Fern Farms- a streamlined approach which allows for greater control and higher standards. Plus, their meat is graded using the company’s own Eating Quality System, which is a science-backed grading process that guarantees the taste, tenderness, and juiciness every time.


All of the above parts fit together in broader categories of social, environmental, and personal benefits. To start with, grass-fed beef is the most sustainable method of beef production: it results in fewer greenhouse gases (since there’s no grain production or transportation), cleaner water (since there are no waste lagoons which accompany feedlots), and beautiful land (since the farmers act as stewards, preserving and improving the land for future generations). The farmers are also committed to humane treatment of their animals, managing their land in ways which promote the animals’ well-being by reducing stress and supporting physical health. There’s always plenty of fresh, natural water, windbreaks in case of inclement weather, and rotational grazing allows for ample food all day, every day. (Plus, grass is the cattle’s optimal diet!) Grass-fed beef is also unbelievably delicious: it has a remarkable real flavor and Silver Fern Farms is meticulous about grading, sending only the highest rated meat to the U.S. Lastly, grass-fed beef has been shown to be healthier than grain-fed beef. It’s lower in saturated fat, higher in healthy fatty acids, and higher in vitamins A and E.

See why we’re so excited? We feel incredibly fortunate to be able to provide you with what is quite possibly the very best angus beef in the whole world and can’t wait for you to try it!