Nina’s Tips and Techniques: Breakfast
I’m a “grab a muffin and run” kind of breakfast person, but I really want to be a healthy breakfast person. Any tips on breakfast ideas that don’t take 30 minutes to prepare and can fuel me for the day?
Breakfast, like they always say, is a VERY important meal. It starts your metabolism for the day and the right food choices help keep your blood sugar level, even, and steady all day long. High protein foods and healthy whole grains, and yes; vegetables are great choices in the morning. As for time…I will challenge you to park, go into a store or bakery, buy a muffin, and get back to your car in less time than it takes you to cook a scrambled egg in your kitchen. We sometimes THINK it takes longer to eat healthy, but really we’re just caught in a routine and need to force ourselves to change. A scrambled egg with whole grain toast and avocado is a great, easy breakfast. Sub the toast for a tortilla and pack it all into a convenient burrito and you can take it to go. Try measuring out all the ingredients for a smoothie the night before into your blender pitcher and put it in the fridge. In the morning just blend and go. Add some protein powder or other high protein ingredients to your smoothie. Overnight oats are a great way to have breakfast ready in the morning so you can grab it and run – top your oatmeal with fruit and nuts or crunchy hemp hearts. If you still want to stop and buy a breakfast that’s great too…in the store it’s about the choices you make. Try an egg sandwich on whole grain bread with avocado and spinach instead of bacon and cheese. Order a smoothie instead of a baked good…to save time you can call ahead and have them get your order ready before you arrive!
Ok I get it that it’s not THAT hard to scramble an egg, but how can I make it a little more interesting?
I’ve always said that dinner leftovers are like gold. I use leftovers from dinner for all sorts of things…especially breakfast! A little chopped chicken and some cooked veggies or sweet potatoes mixed into you egg makes it more interesting AND adds more nutrients. I’ll put pretty much any cooked vegetable into my eggs. Also potatoes and sweet potatoes make it more filling. My very favorite is leftover polenta and vegetables reheated with eggs on top. If you don’t have any leftovers try something simple like adding a handful of fresh spinach or some sliced avocado and a spoonful of salsa!