Sage Farm Goat Dairy
Sage Farm Goat Dairy is a wonderful small goat farm in Stowe, VT producing some amazing cheese with milk from happy goats!
Their herd of registered Alpine dairy goats is the backbone of their entire farming operation and they treat them with immense care and compassion. The goats graze outside from April through November. Using intensive rotational management techniques, they change their paddocks daily, providing the goats with a diverse diet of fresh pasture plants. During the winter months, the herd lives in the barn, eating hay grown on their own land and harvested from other family farms in the area. They take the relationship between the health of their land and the health of their animals very seriously. As a result, their goats are hardy and productive!
The first batch of 2013 Sterlings and Madonnas goat’s milk cheeses from Sage Farms have arrived at Healthy Living!
Sterling is a typical French Valençay style cheese. Its truncated pyramid shape is dusted with ash to encourage a beautiful gray bloomy rind. Ripened for two weeks, Sterling has a dense, rich paste with a spicy, goaty bite. (6-8 oz.)
Madonna is a small disc of aged chèvre, also ripened for two weeks. A bit milder than Sterling, Madonna has a white, bloomy rind and a smooth, creamy paste. (4-6 oz.)
Come and get some at the Healthy Living cheese counter!