Saratoga Wine and Food Festival
We had such an amazing time at the Saratoga Wine and Food Festival last Saturday. It was fabulous to see some friendly faces that normally frequent our store and even more exciting to meet so many other new, smiling, Saratogian-faces! Thank you for welcoming us with open arms! We poured some wonderful domestic and imported wines from Frederick Wildman and Sons including:

$19.99 – Divine Wines

$32.99 – Divine Wines

$18.99 – Divine Wines

$23.99 – Divine Wines (on sale for September 2013!)
There were dozens of other tables of wine and delicious food from some of the areas best restaurants. Healthy Living did an amazing job hosting the Connoisseur’s Tent next door with rare wines, artisan cheeses, cured meets, and a catering table filled with more delicious goodies! We had so much fun this year, we’re already thinking about next year’s Wine and Food Festival!
All of the above mentioned wines are currently in stock at Divine Wines. If you had a favorite, or wasn’t able to make the event, swing by and pick up a bottle to treat yourself this weekend. Didn’t taste anything you found awe-inspiring? We’re more than happy to suggest some other equally fabulous selections!
Thank you for your continued support of Divine Wines at Healthy Living and Cafe! We’re lucky to be part of such an amazing community! Come celebrate with us this Sunday, September 15th, from 11am-2pm in the Wilton Mall parking lot at Healthy Living and Divine Wines; free for all!