So Fresh and So Clean

The Produce Department is the first stop in our store, and when it comes to our mission statement, its very first words are what we strive to exemplify: We work together to sell the finest, cleanest food, and to support our local farmers and producers. Our buyers aim to bring you only the best of our Vermont harvest. The treats from afar that we offer you are the cleanest, most ethically sourced organics available, and we offer only conventional items that we feel good about. That means items notorious for having GMO strains don’t even cross our doorstep! We look to our organic farmers first for the best of the best.

There is no better time than springtime in Vermont to reaffirm your commitment to bringing home only the most frighteningly fresh and disarmingly delicious fruits and veggies for your table. Yes, often what we sell in our department was harvested only hours before; we frequently stock tomatoes still warm from the sun or heads of lettuce still moist with morning dew. We are already expanding our local offerings by the day, and in the coming weeks, you will see more and more Vermont products on our shelves. You won’t believe the beauty of these treasures grown in our rich Vermont soil. If you need another reason to buy local, consider that the longer a piece of produce is in storage before consumption, the more its vitamin content is degraded. Yes, local produce really is that much better for you!

We love our local farmers at HL and they are constantly visiting us with more gifts from their gardens. It’s wonderful to meet the people who are tending this bounty and sharing it with us, and it reminds me how lucky we all are to live in a place where we have access to the freshest of the fresh! The next time you are dreaming up a meal and writing a grocery list, be sure to come to our department first for the best shot at the highest quality food available. Or better yet, ditch the list and just wander into the store with an open mind and a ready imagination, and ask any of our stockers or buyers what’s fresh today. We are all delighted at the opportunity to help you create a meal out of our beautiful produce, and in my opinion there’s no better way to cook. See you soon!