Spring Greens Are Here!
Rambling Harvest Farm local Asparagus is here and it is so tasty and beautiful! Come in and try it today!
We’ve got so many wonderful local greens to choose from right now! Fresh local radishes and ramps to make your saute’s and salads zesty to the max. Salad season is in full swing, and we are lucky to have a wide variety of local greens from multiple farms and local tomatoes, grown by Long Wind Farm. Today I had some Bread and Butter Farm’s arugula and it was so spicy that it reminded me of early summer. Give thanks to our bothers and sisters south of the border, for their hard work and sacrifice to bring to market cucumbers, strawberries, mangoes and melons!!! Some of which are on an epic sale. You may never see prices like this again for organic produce. We have a fresh Local batch of herbs from Windstone Farm just in, to make you meal over the top awesome. Check out our new display located in the top center of our middle cold case.