Spring Greens!
As we brace ourselves to root around in the thawing ground, the changing weather, we have greens ahead of us and roots behind.

The scene for local food right now is one of transition. We are seeing the last of beets, potatoes, and other obscure root crops. Which one will make it the longest? It looks to be the bitey parsnip. But with the new spring arrivals, we now have spring dug parsnips (super sweet and fresh) from Jericho’s Settler’s Farm. When celery is not in stock, because of supply issues, take a look at Celeriac, our local unsung hero to impart that essential celery flavor. But what about my salad? Well you’re in luck. We have local greens coming out the wazoo! Sweet kales, crispy chards, succulent spinach, bitey arugula and baby lettuce too. Many farmers will harvest the veggies in the morning and deliver them to us in the afternoon, making it the freshest possible produce!
Also, look out for the quintessential spring delectables – fiddleheads and ramps. Come in today and grab some delicious ramps these wild leeks have a beautifully strong and earthy taste, it’ll knock your socks off with flavor.
-Assistant Produce Buyer