Try our Tasty Navel Oranges Today
Navel Oranges are considered to be a hybrid between the Pomelo Fruit and Tangerine. Navels are grown and cultivated in almost all warm climate countries and they are available from November through April. Its rind contains oil glands that possess a strong flavor similar to that of the fleshy inner part of the orange fruit. The rind has nearly the same amount of vitamin C as the flesh. Florida & California oranges have different characteristics because of Florida’s hot, wet climate, and California’s milder, dry climate interact differently with the same cultivars. The dry weather in California supports the growth of the thick-peel, sweet “table” oranges; while the damp heat of Florida promotes a juicier orange.
The following are the nutrients contained in an orange:
Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Calcium, Beta-Carotene, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Choline, Folic Acid, various Flavonoids, D-limonene and Alpha-Carotene