We Love Local Cheese!

Cobb Hill Cheese began in 2000. They produce two types of artisan farmstead cheese in small batches. Cobb Hill cheeses are made using whole raw milk from Jersey cows that are bred and raised at Cobb Hill, an intentional co-housing community comprised of people learning to live lightly on the land in Hartland, Vermont. Their cheesemakers follow the age old process of heating milk, adding lactic bacteria and vegetable rennet, hand stirring the curd, hooping and pressing. The next day they unhoop the cheese wheels and immerse them in a whey bases brine. When ready, the wheels move to the aging shelves for the months long affinage and aging process.
They are also using this award winning milk to make Cobb Hill Frozen Yogurt which can also be found here at Health Living. We carry their Ascutney Mtn Cheese and it is $3.00 off a lb until 2/3/15. Come on by and give it a try!