We’ve Got a Crush on Chive!
If you’ve been in over the past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed the beautiful new Plants and Flowers display in our Produce Department… it was hand-built just for us so we can feature our favorites for floral arrangement. Currently, the display proudly sports cute ceramics from Chive; Plants and Flowers Buyer Patty is obsessed with their adorable wares (and it’s easy to see why). Chive makes très unique vases and vessels for flowers; from spiky glass balls to anemone-inspired adorablity, Chive has you covered. We’ll have fun new stuff coming in all summer so keep your peepers peeled. Here’s a quick peek of what we have right now:

We love the fun form factor of the spiky glass balls pictured above! Their spindly little legs jut out to hold your flower-of-choice at an adorably awkward angle. We’re also inspired by the deep Aegean blue and milky whiteness of the low, stout cup; we think it’s perfect for big buds that want to be shown off in style (peonies!).

Next on our list of new favorites is this too-cute bud vase that’d be right at home in “Finding Nemo.” Its curvaceous canisters each hold an individual stem; it’s fun and easy to fill it with different heights, colors, and textures of flowers. We love the flexibility of this little guy- fill all the holes for a resplendent horizontal arrangement, a simple few for a sparser, cleaner look…or just one for something more minimalist.

Last but certainly not least we have some super cute cubes! Each has a small hole for a single bud. You could line these up in a row, stack them, pile them on top of each other…the possibilities are endless! It’s a great way to add a pop of color and floral freshness to nooks, crannies, and everywhere in between.
Stop in and see what fun you can have arranging your own flowers! We have the most unique vessels in town and a terrific selection of more traditional vases if you’re so inclined. Patty’s always finding something new and exciting so it’s never the same display; come on in and soak up the splendor of summer!