Create A Core Shopper Account
Digital Coupons:
Every month, we’ll send you an email with exclusive savings on popular products. These savings are preloaded on your Core Shopper account and are automatically applied when you purchase the qualifying items using your Core Shopper ID.
Virtual Punchcards:
Free and reduced price rewards based on purchases made that automatically apply when you use your Core Shopper ID on qualifying purchases. Coffees, Sushi, Yogurts, HL Fresh Salads, and more.
Deals & Freebies:
Save more than ever with frequent deals and unexpected freebies! Your cashier will let you know when your next item is free. No need to do anything but enjoy the products you love.
Core Shopper Exclusives:
Savings only Core Shoppers can enjoy. Look for the Core Shopper Deal signs in store and online at HL To Go.
Unexpected Awesomeness:
Prepare to be delighted with special surprises just for you! *Get a freebie on your birthday and Wine Lovers can save on multi-bottle and full case purchases.
Plus, keep an eye out for exciting emails from our team! You’ll get our top deals, new products, Katy’s favorites, and more—right in your inbox.
Check our Core Shopper rewards page and your email often! We’re always adding new ways to show you our love!
Generations of Food Lovers
Family-owned and dedicated to providing nutritious, clean food to our communities, since we’re all one extended family
Standing Up For Standards
The highest quality ingredients make food taste better and make us feel better, too
Healthy Community, Healthy Planet
Dedicated to responsible environmental practices that ensure we all thrive, locally and globally
Feels Like Home
Being part of something bigger and more personal than just a place you buy groceries
Birthday reward contingent on guests sharing birthday information (month, day, year) with Healthy Living prior to store visit. Proof of eligibility required for veteran special recognitions.