Pommes Darphin

  • 2-3 large russet potatoes; grated
  • 4 Tbsp butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Heat 3 tablespoons of oil on medium high in a sized frying pan until it begins to helicopter. While oil heats toss julienned potatoes with salt and pepper to taste. Add potatoes to hot pan and use a spatula to spread evenly around pan. Press into pan to form one solid disc. Continue to press potato mixture into pan as the bottom side begins to brown. Once browned, carefully flip potato cake over with spatula. Dab small pieces of butter around edges of cake and allow them to melt. Lower heat slightly and cook for an additional 4 minutes until the bottom side is browned and the potatoes are cooked through. Transfer to plate and triangular pieces, as you would a pizza. Enjoy!